I loves me a dragon! Sketches for my early concepts of the great dragon Smaug; the Big Bad from 'The Hobbit', for the three people left on Earth not exposed to Tolkien. Tough design challenge - that is, to make a dintinct character out of a legendary monster. To make a face that can eat ten ponies at a sitting, and still have the personality to banter with Bilbo. He needs to look ancient, avaricious, arrogant, and just plain vicious.
I also have a problem with the way wings are often depicted as being tacked on in many dragon designs, as well as being far to small to move a beast this size. Any wing that could realistically move this much mass would really dominate any design, though, so I see why folks do it. I have to install some deep chest musculature, to suggest a keeled sternum such as birds have. I have to at least have the beast feel like it could work...
I want to get the feel of 'the worm' in his design as well, emphasizing his corpulence, and a more reptilian long body and splayed hips. I imagine him uncomfortable moving on the ground for too long, like a crocodile -trying to lure prey close with his hypnotic eyes, then lunging to finish them.
Conversely, I see him in his element while aloft; gliding around and raining terror wherever he chooses, or on whatever all-wood town that happens to be near (What were they thinking? Silly Lakemen.)
I'm still working on facial details, but I like where this is going. If interested, please check out the progress to 3D on my sculptblog - see link to right!
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